
Transport order

The TransportOrder resource contains the following data:


  "id": "36d591dd-7b4e-4d22-9cee-17bbf38181e1",
  "externalAttributes": [],
  "consignments": [
      "entity": {
        "name": "Assignment #A0043",
        "status": "requested",
        "externalAttributes": {
          "reference": "#A12345",
          "price": {
            "value": "40.00",
            "currency": "EUR"
          "maximumPrice": {
            "value": "250.75",
            "currency": "EUR"
        "goods": [
            "entity": {
              "productType": "Puin",
              "packagingMaterial": "3m3",
              "type": "items"
            "associationType": "inline"
        "documents": [
          // array of Document resources...
        "actions": [
          // array of Action resources...
      "associationType": "inline"
  "actors": [
      "entity": {
        "id": "b1de26d6-59d4-11ed-9b6a-0242ac12000",
        "name": "viaTYGO B.V.",
        "contactDetails": [
            "value": 89194101,
            "remark": "Chamber of Commerce number",
            "type": "other"
      "roles": "Consignor",
      "associationType": "inline"
  "constraint": {
    "associationType": "inline",
    "entity": {
      "value": {
        "type": "routeConstraint",
        "route": {
          "type": "addressGeoReference",
          "street": "Raamdwarsstraat",
          "houseNumber": "7",
          "houseNumberAddition": "H",
          "postalCode": "1016XN",
          "city": "Amsterdam",
          "country": "NL"


Parameter Type Description
id string uuid of transport order
externalAttributes array Extra data that dont fit elsewhere in the OTM standard


Parameter Type Description
name string Name of Assignment
status string Status of Assignment
Possible options: draft, requested, inTransit, completed, cancelled
externalAttributes.price array Price of Assignment
externalAttributes.price.value numeric Value of price, decimal are indicated with a .
e.g. 150.50
externalAttributes.price.currency string Currency of the price
possible options: EUR
externalAttributes.maximumPrice array Maximum Price of Assignment
externalAttributes.maximumPrice.value numeric Value of price, decimal are indicated with a .
e.g. 250.75
externalAttributes.maximumPrice.currency string Currency of the price
possible options: EUR


Parameter Type Description
productType string Name of Product type in viaTYGO
PackagingType string Name of Product Packaging in viaTYGO


Parameter Type Description
id string Uuid of document
name string Name of document
externalAttribute array
externalAttribute.documentType string Type of Document in viaTYGO
Possible options: Location, weigh_measurement, unknown
content array
content.url string The url link to the document
Must be public
content.contentType string Type of content
possible options: link
filename string Name of File
mimeType string Mime type of file
possible options: image/PNG, image/JPG, image/JPEG, application/PDF
owner array
owner.uuid string uuid of the file uploader


Parameter Type Description
actionType string Type of action
Possible options: unload, load
constraint.value array
constraint.value.type string OTM Constraint
Possible options: timeWindowConstraint
constraint.value.startTime datetime Start time of action, comfort ISO 8601
e.g. 2022-11-30T09:00:00Z
constraint.value.EndTime datetime End time of action, comfort ISO 8601
e.g. 2022-11-30T11:00:00Z


Parameter Type Description
id string Uuid of Company
name string name of Company
contactDetails array
contactDetails.value string Chamber of Commerce number
Roles string Role of Company
Possible options: Consignor, Subcontractors


Parameter Type Description
type string OTM Constraint
Possible options: routeConstraint
Route array
Route.type string OTM Type
Possible options: routeConstraint
Route.street string Street of transport order
Route.houseNumber string House number of transport order
Route.houseNumberAddition string House number Addition of transport order
Route.postalCode string Postal code of transport order string City name of transport order string County of transport order, comfort ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
e.g. NL, BE